Axioo EduTech: Robotic hingga Teachable Machine

Axioo EduTech merupakan serangkaian kegiatan berupa seminar dan workshop Teknologi seperti Robotic dan Teachable Machine, yang dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari instansi pemerintahan untuk pendidikan, serta ratusan edukator dari SMK di Yogyakarta dan kota-kota di sekitarnya.

Berkolaborasi dengan Asaba dan juga didukung oleh ASC, Axioo berharap acara ini dapat memberikan dampak positif untuk kemajuan teknologi Indonesia.

Tunggu Axioo EduTech hadir di kotamu, ya!

PT ASABA – a member of ASABA GROUP – has grown from supplying Stationery, to doing system integrator, digital & technology products, office equipment, surveying products, IT products, digital graphic arts products and digital copier products.

System Integrator Division, also known as Axioo Division, is the newest division in PT. ASABA.

We established in 2020 and we provide various IT solution product for government and corporate, especially Axioo brand because we are the sole distributor for Axioo commercial products since 2022.

We commit to give the best service and the best solution for every project needs.

AxiooIndonesia #AxiooClassProgram #Asaba #AsabaIT